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Dear New Mama…

Seasoned and Tired Mama or Mama who needs a reminder,

I hope you heal from the things you cry about when no one is watching.

Motherhood has been so many wondrous and joyous things along with some pretty awful emotions and the constant feeling like I’m not doing enough. I promise Mama you’re doing more than enough and YOU ARE ENOUGH. Regardless of what you or others think.

So in general for me being a mom and experiencing all the things of motherhood has been nothing short of amazing, seeing the wonder and excitement in my girls eyes as they get to experience so many things, the sleepless nights and cozy mornings, the endless cuddles and kisses, sometimes overbearing but still so comforting. There’s another side, a side that many talk about but it needs to be talked about more.

The loneliness you can feel when you first enter motherhood and during the trying times of motherhood. Yes there are many who may have experienced what you are going through but when you’re in the thick of it there’s nothing that can be said or done to make you feel like you’re not alone. But I’m here to remind you that you ARE NOT ALONE.

The “village” everyone talks about when you have kids isn’t as readily available as they make it seem. Sometimes that village takes time to cultivate and to find and in the age we're in sometimes that village isn’t physical. And in the time when I needed a village most I was grateful for my digital one. Grateful that I had Mamas to turn to who could share their experiences with me, to let me know that I was doing a good job, grateful for blogs and forums where others shared what was going on in their motherhood journey that sounded just like mine.

So Mama this is my letter to you, a reminder that the days are long and the years are short, that the feelings you feel now won’t last forever, that you need to give yourself grace and that you are doing a damn fine job.


A healing Mama

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