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Happy Mother’s Day!

Yesterday was Mother’s Day and like many moms I felt equally grateful to be a Mama and exhausted. So often on social media we see what people want us to see and while a curated feed and pretty pictures are nice, I think sometimes Mamas want to be seen and heard, that there are Moms who are also struggling and happy. I’ve finally learned in this season of life that two emotions can co-exist like grief and happiness or gratitude and guilt. As parents we have to learn to give ourselves grace, we’re not always going to have it together and that’s ok.

My Mother’s Day was filled to the brim in all of the motherly activities. It actually reminded me of my very first Mother’s Day and Jd swore he put a diaper on Jade but didn’t…I got the trifecta motherhood christening; spit up, poop and pee! My poor girl caught a stomach bug and has been struggling this weekend and Arden has two molars about to cut through so in between toilet runs and painful cries I am one tired Mama! So while I didn’t get the Hallmark version of this holiday, I still got to spend the day with my beautiful babies full of cuddles and daddy made us yummy food!

All this to say, you can be happy and grateful for your time as a Mom and you can also be sad and exhausted. Mother’s Day looks and feels different for everyone, but you should be celebrated always. Take time for yourself, know your limits, its ok to not be ok!

I hope you all had an enjoyable Mother’s Day.

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